The following pieces represent my relationship with the parts of life that are typically seen as disgusting, vague, cruel, brutal or simply, the mirror of us. I see things in layers of detail. Every action, location, entity or influence has layers of perception. Those layers skew and twist, with varying severity, leaving the typical complacency of knowing the familiar to take over. I wanted and want to see through the layers, to look at the gruesome, feel the horrible and experience the terrifying. I wanted to understand pain instead of just feel it.

This urge to explore beyond what was normal lead me to experience misery so great that I questioned why any of this continues the way it does. I questioned my parent’s religion, and questioned the sciences that killed them. I drove myself mad asking why this world seems filled with people who choose to ignore these aspects of life that define half of our character. I spent the better part of my life living among every group, community, relationship I could to better understand myself and the world.

Through all that study, the books, music, artwork, conversations, The conclusion I came to was that people don’t choose to ignore the homeless, murdered, starving, victimized. I concluded that facing those challenging concepts takes energy from the soul and mind. I chose to develop a technique to represent a soft approach to the harsh aspects of life. My artwork invites you to look at the worst of us, the questions of worth, the bad us. As a part of my technique I pull the images out of the page. To me it’s a portal allowing me to record images of what’s beyond the layers.

I call it “Ethereal Atmospheric Macabre”