Information Board


My name is Robert Wagner, and I create artwork under the pseudonym “Daedalus Vaughner”.

The first and foremost aspect of my artwork is that it’s meant to be be approachable, regardless of the context of the work. I Spent the past several years perfecting my technique, so that I could better apply my artistic skills to a wider variety of mediums. I have participated in several festivals around the state of Iowa and have done a number of personal commissions for clients across the country.

My commissions are discreet and personalized through conversations with the client to better gauge exactly what they may be looking for in their projects. I want to make it clear that my focus is on providing a window into the memories, emotions, and complex thoughts that arise from the context of the work. This is your mirror, this is you and your struggle through life.

My ultimate goal is to provide a mirror conveying the expressions that every individual carries with them. Made so that those who see through with wonder and intuition can carry with them a lasting authentic artifact of, Their, story.



For those that are seeking more information about a possible commission or consultation, the following will provide more insight into the steps and process.

:Contracts & Commissions:

[Free assessment ]

I start the process with a free assessment of what your particular needs are for any given project.

:Examples include:

  • Portraiture

  • Concept Art

  • Graphic Design

  • Murals

  • Sculpture

  • Much More….

-Tools & Mediums-

Graphite, Ink, Charcoal, Chaulk, Spray-Paint, Clay….

”Flexibility is a primary skill.”

Part of the assessment includes understanding the core reason for the piece being made. The process is simple, gather information about you and your connection to the artwork being made; who or what do you want it for, why do you need the piece, and how can I best provide the perfect experience for you. I will also provide an estimate of cost given the information gathered.

[Design & Pricing]

Stage two involves a deeper look at the composition, or rather, the design of each particular aspect of the work. Given the you are ready to move forward, I will spend considerable time going over the parts of the work that stand out the most, and composing a rough draft idea of the works final result.

Once that process is done, we are on to pricing.

Prices vary depending on the type of work being done and the tools/mediums being used in the project. Including potential partial payments [if applicable]

:Examples include:

  • Project- Canvas, Painting, Oils, Portraiture, A1 Size, etc….

Average Price = $400

[work & Finalization]

After all of that is complete, we move on to the final step, THE WORK! This part is primarily on me but does include regular updates and consultation at various points throughout the work. This is done to ensure that the product is exactly as desired, even if some major changes need to be done [May affect price].

Once the work is finalized and ready for delivery, we have some options.


  • Snail-mail or USPS

  • UPS, FEDex

  • Hand delivery or installation [if applicable]

[Contact Information]


Phone: 319-350-6475 [TEXT or CALL]

@Instagram: daedalus_vaughner

Through this portal is for the first of my galleries, the “Hall of Ethereal Atmospheric Macabre”. Step through and take a gander at some of the various pieces placed on its walls. Some of these pieces were made in preperation for the “Iowa Pop Art Festival” 2023, in Cedar Rapids IA. It was the first booth I had operated for the public to view my work, and I have continued to present my work to the public following the success and feedback I recieved. Since then, I have continued to expand this style and technique into other potential mediums, one of which being a book that I am in the process of writing.

The following artwork IS suitable to MOST audiences. (Given receptibility to context)

[Light Novel]

Word Count: 8,846/50,000